Areola tattoos have grown in popularity over the last few years and for good reason- Here's what you should know before getting one

Areola tattoos typically take about one to two hours to complete and involve a professional tattoo artist using special inks and needles to create a tattoo that looks like your natural areola.


Areola tattoos typically take about one to two hours to complete and involve a professional tattoo artist using special inks and needles to create a tattoo that looks like your natural areola. The tattoo artist will start by cleaning the area and making sure it is free from any debris. Then, they will carefully mark the area so that the tattoo will be symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing. They will use a specialized needle to inject the pigments into the skin at the correct depth and in the right shape. Finally, they will use a combination of shading, detailing, and various colors to create an areola that looks natural and blends with the surrounding skin. During the process, the artist will occasionally check in with you to make sure you’re comfortable. After the procedure is complete, the area will be cleaned and covered with a bandage.

Who can an areola tattoo benefit?

  • Have you gone through a bilateral or unilateral mastectomy?
  • Have you had gender affirmation surgery, or top surgery?
  • Did you have a breast augmentation or lift that has left unwanted scarring?
  • Do you just want your areolas darker, more defined, or  pinker?

If you've answered yes to any of the above, then yes! Areola tattooing may be a great option for you.

Preparing for your tattoo

Research, research, research! Before committing to areola tattooing, it’s important to do your research. This means researching tattoo artists in your area, asking questions, and checking reviews. A quality artist will have a portfolio of past work that you can look at, and they should be willing to answer any questions you have. With the rise of online online trainings, make sure your artist has actually worked on human skin or is being watched over by an experienced areola artist! Paramedical tattooing is VERY different from permanent makeup and requires specialty training and insurance. They should also be up-to-date on the latest safety protocols, including the use of gloves, sanitary equipment, and a clean environment to work in. By doing your due diligence, you can make sure that you are working with a qualified and experienced artist who makes your safety and comfort a priority.

Before you get tattooed, you'll have a consultation with the artist to discuss your vision. During the consultation, the artist will explain the process, potential risks, and the expected end results. It's important to ask any questions you may have at this stage so that you're comfortable and informed before starting the procedure. You will also review the design and discuss any desired changes before the procedure begins. This consultation is a crucial step in the process, as it will ensure that you are happy with the results and that your safety is taken into consideration.

It is important to take extra precautions before your tattoo session to ensure that the ink is applied in the best possible way. This means avoiding any bleaching, waxing, exfoliating, or tweezing of the area before the session. These activities can weaken the skin and make it more prone to scarring and infection, both of which can hinder the healing process. Additionally, you may need to get clearance from your surgeon if requested by your artist. Your artist wants the best and safest outcome for you, especially if you have recently had chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Taking these steps will ensure that you are properly prepared for your session, and will ultimately help you enjoy a successful tattoo experience.

The day of your tattoo

Getting a tattoo can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it’s important to relax and stay hydrated during the session. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after the tattoo session is important to help keep you hydrated. Additionally, taking deep breaths and distracting yourself by listening to music or watching something on your phone can help you stay calm during the process. Finally, let your artist know if you are feeling any pain during the session so they can apply numbing cream or you can take a break and ensure you are comfortable. By following these steps, you can make sure your tattoo session is a positive and enjoyable experience.

Once your tattoo is completed your artist will clean off the area, and place a bandage over the area, usually Tegaderm or something similar. This will help protect the freshly tattooed area and can be worn in the shower. If you are allergic to adhesives, please let your artist know so they can accommodate you with an adhesive-free bandage (the aftercare will be different).

Aftercare and healing

Aftercare instructions are an essential part of the tattoo process. Your artist will have specific instructions to follow after the tattoo is complete- It is very important to follow your artists instructions! This may include washing your tattoo with a gentle cleanser, applying an ointment or moisturizer, and avoiding sun exposure to your tattoo. Following the artist's aftercare instructions is key to a successful tattoo- it helps prevent infection, ensure your tattoo heals properly, and keeps it looking vibrant for years to come. Not following your artist’s aftercare instructions could result in a tattoo that doesn’t heal properly, fades prematurely, or gets infected.

Things to keep in mind

Tattoos involve needles and ink and can be painful, so think about your pain tolerance

When considering areola tattooing, it is important to think about pain tolerance and comfort level. Tattoos are created by injecting ink into the skin using needles, and this can cause varying levels of discomfort. If you have a low pain tolerance, you may want to consider asking your artist if they use numbing cream or having the procedure done in stages. Everyone is different, and you should take the time to think about your own pain tolerance before committing to the procedure.

Consider the cost of the procedure and the healing process

Areola tattooing is an intricate process, so it’s important to keep in mind the cost of the procedure, as well as any aftercare that is necessary for the healing process. Many clinics charge a fee for the entire procedure, which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the complexity of the design and skill of the artist. Additionally, you’ll need to factor in the cost of any aftercare products such as healing ointments or bandages, as they are necessary for the healing process. It’s important to discuss these costs with the artist or clinic beforehand so you can plan accordingly.

Areola tattoos can be a powerful tool for rebuilding self-esteem and confidence following breast cancer surgery or other trauma.

It is important that you do your research when it comes to selecting the right artist for your procedure and finding one who understands the complexities of areolar tattooing so you can achieve the best possible results. By fully understanding what an areola tattoo entails, you can make sure that this transformation is one that will leave you feeling empowered and beautiful!

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